The climate change: a view from Catalonia

Important dates

Paper and poster submission criteria and deadlines

If you are interested in submitting a paper or poster, send in a 400- to 600-word poster summary or abstract before 20 November 2017, 8th December 2017 (thrue the website Intranet). The summary/abstract must state the submission’s title and declare whether it is an oral presentation or a poster.

Enclose with your summary/abstract your name, the name of the institution to which you belong, your e-mail address and the topic your paper or poster addresses. Submissions may be made in Catalan, Spanish or English.

Only three papers per topic will be chosen for oral presentation. Papers will be selected by a scientific committee whose members include professors at Catalonian public universities.

On 15 December 2017 notice will be given to the submitters of the papers accepted for oral presentation, the papers accepted without oral presentations and the accepted posters. The accepted summaries/abstracts will be posted on the conference website. Please follow the Poster format instructions.

Papers accepted for oral presentations may be published in Revista Catalana de Dret Ambiental.

If you are selected to give an oral presentation and would like to have your paper published in Revista Catalana de Dret Ambiental (, please submit the full paper before 31 March 2018. For the guidelines, formatting instructions and style rules used at this publication, see

Deadline for reduced fee: December 24th,  December 31st, 2018