15th International Meeting on Thermodiffusion (IMT)


The accepted abstracts will be published in the Book of Abstracts (available online) with an ISBN number associated (ISBN: 978-84-1365-081-4).



Selected papers may be published in prestigious journals related to the field:


 1. A special issue dedicated to the IMT15 will be published in the Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics  (de Gruyter) (Q1).

Journal of non-equilibrium thermodynamics 

  • The special issue will contain up to 10 papers, none of which should exceed 8 printed pages in the Journal style.
  • The articles will be published free of charge unless authors choose the Open-Access option with an article processing charge 1300 €.
  • Each article will be subject to regular peer review.

Authors of selected abstracts will be personally invited to contribute.


2. A special issue "Transport Phenomena in Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics " is as well accepted to be published in the International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (Q1)




  • The special issue will contain up to 20 papers following the Journal's specifications.
  • Each article will be subjected to regular peer review.
  • The selected papers must be related to the heat and mass transfer fields.