Encounters and engagements: creating new agendas for medical anthropology.
EASA MEdical Anthropology Network, AAA Society for Medical Anthropology, Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Joint international conference. June 12th-14th 2013. Tarragona, Spain.

Skills-sharing workshops

“Encounters and Engagements” will host a series of workshops allowing medical anthropologists to share skills and exchange experiences. These will cover both qualitative and quantitative methods, as well as mixed methods approaches. They will represent current methodologies available to medical anthropologists today; and innovative methodological approaches will be highlighted.

The ten workshops given in the methods track of the conference will include:

  • mixed methods studies
  • participatory video methods
  • the use of spatial methods and social media
  • network analysis
  • the analysis of large volumes of qualitative data.

Several of the social scientists involved in these workshops have participated in the National Science Foundation (NSF) Short Courses on Research Methods classes both as instructors and as participants.