2nd SBRLab International Virtual Conference on Management, Law, Politics, Economics and Social Studies

Call for papers

Call for papers


To address the conference theme of “Finding Solutions for a post-crisis society” we have framed the main conference topics under three disciplines: management, socio-policital and legal.

Full papers are invited on all subjects relevant to the spirit and objectives of the conference: to present, discuss and learn about the latest developments in finding solutions to the problems created by the latest financial crisis. The topics below are an indication of the planned scope of the conference, but are not meant to be restrictive.



- Collaborative organizations

- Rethinking leadership

- Entrepreneurship and economic development

- Corporate social responsability and sustainability

- Estrategy and change management 

- Social innovation

- Human resources management and new labor relations

- Value creation through public-private collaboration

 - International management

- Learning organitzations and knowledge management



- Changes in the labor market and segmentation

- Labour markets in Europe: towards a specialization?

- Business and union strategies towards crisis

- Youth employment and training

- The precarious employment

- The employment of women and situations of social vulnerability.

- Labour market and immigration in a crisis frame

- Employment policies in Europe



- The impact of the globalization of the economy and its governance on individual and collective labor relations.

- The new scenarios of productive decentralization: multiservice companies, business networks and the fissured work place.

- Identify from a legal-labor perspective the most recent manifestations of technological innovations (robotics, digitalization, digital intelligence, big data, etc.) that have an impact on new ways of understanding work.

- The impact of new technologies on access to employment and working conditions.

- The incidence of new technologies in the reconciliation of personal, work and family life.

- The challenges of unconventional employment derived from new technologies for collective action.

- New scenarios of job insecurity.

- Labor transitions: from training to employment and from employment to retirement.

- The phenomenon of population aging and the challenges it poses in relation to the labor market and social protection (silver economy or the economy of the elderly).

- The impact of the greening of the economy in the introduction of new modes of production and organization of work that are more respectful to the environment.