9th EELF (European Environmental Law Forum) Annual Conference

Side Event: Research Workshop

Research workshop - 20 September

Climate Change Law in European Decentralized States: A Comparative Review

The Institute of Self-Government Studies of the Government of Catalonia and the CEDAT-URV organise the workshop on "Climate Change Law in European Decentralized States: A Comparative Review". The workshop will take place on Tuesday 20 September as a side event of the annual conference of the European Environmental Law Forum which will be held at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, on 21-23 September.

Aim of the workshop: Considering the growing role of subnational governments in the field of climate policy and the emergence of multilevel processes and arrangements in the field of climate governance, the workshop aims at sheding new light on the relationship between decentralization processes and governance of climate change in European States. Understanding how decentralized states address the challenge of climate change requires a consideration of national institutions, policies and politics, subnational initiatives and action, and the relation between the national government and subnational units in the design and implementation of climate policies.

Research questions: Whether and how the features and practices of decentralized jurisdictions shape climate policy-making? What are the opportunities and challenges/barriers that de-centralized jurisdictions offer for the development and implementation of climate policies? What are the conditions that influence the pathways and outcomes of climate governance in these systems?

Programme: Climate Change in EU Decentralized States 

Venue: Sala de Graus, Facultat de Ciències Jurídiques, Universitat Rovira i Virgili